
Montevertine Le Pergole Torte 2019 蒙特維提妮酒莊 涼亭紅酒

原始價格:NT$ 11500。目前價格:NT$ 8800。

數量有限 售完為止


品種:100% Sangiovese

口感:沉且飽滿的紅寶石顏色,華麗的香氣來自於成熟的葡萄,櫻桃、菸草、生鐵、肉桂和花香。有完美平衡的酸度,令人讚嘆且神魂顛倒的香氣來自於西洋李、甘草、濕草叢等複雜的味道,令人驚訝的優雅細緻的單寧和悠長餘韻,這瓶好酒是 Sangiovese 的最高境界,因為有對的人、對的地方所形成的,這就是 Montevertine 所最迷人的地方。



Holding back initially, this wine simply needs more time in bottle, and I have adjusted the drinking window accordingly. The 2019 Le Pergole Torte is a long-term proposition showing initial stirrings of tart cherry fruit, plum, licorice, tobacco and crushed stone. There is a pretty floral tone of violet or rosemary flower even now. Winemaking takes this special selection of 100% Sangiovese though cement and Allier and Slavonian oak. The balanced acidity stands out nicely. There are 29,000 bottles of the 2019 vintage, and I recommend you put yours in the cellar for five to 10 more years.
