
Montevertine Le Pergole Torte 2018 蒙特維提妮酒莊 涼亭紅酒

原始價格:NT$ 11500。目前價格:NT$ 8800。

數量有限 售完為止


品種:100% Sangiovese

口感:沉且飽滿的紅寶石顏色,華麗的香氣來自於成熟的葡萄,櫻桃、菸草、生鐵、肉桂和花香。有完美平衡的酸度,令人讚嘆且神魂顛倒的香氣來自於西洋李、甘草、濕草叢等複雜的味道,令人驚訝的優雅細緻的單寧和悠長餘韻,這瓶好酒是 Sangiovese 的最高境界,因為有對的人、對的地方所形成的,這就是 Montevertine 所最迷人的地方。



A pure expression of Sangiovese, the Montevertine 2018 Le Pergole Torte works hard in this vintage to preserve its most elegant and timeless style. There is a point of ripeness and a hint of extra cherry concentration that gives this wine beautiful intensity and verticality. The expressive bouquet incorporates mild touches of spice, earth, pressed rose and lavender bud. I’m putting a plus sign next to my score to underline the aging potential of this vintage. The tannins are shapely and fine, but they reveal tight youthfulness that will soften with more time in the bottle. Silky, supple tannins are a hallmark of Le Pergole Torte. This is a 29,000-bottle production.

Martino Manetti farms organically in Radda in Chianti with vines at a cool and pleasantly breezy 380 to 550 meters above sea level. The soils are mostly calcareous with areas of higher galestro. Martino tells me that both 2018 and 2019 were “satisfying vintages without any especially problematic weather issues.”
