


Deep garnet colored, the 2010 Petrus opens a little broody, with gentle crushed rocks, cast iron pan and fragrant earth notions giving way to a core plum preserves, baked blueberries, licorice and Black Forest cake plus wafts of pencil shavings, garrigue and violets. Full-bodied, the palate is beautifully poised with a firm line of exquisitely ripe, fine-grained tannins and fantastic freshness bolstering the generous fruit, finishing very long and very, very classy. Collectors fortunate enough to have a few bottles of this vintage are advised to be patient and allow it a further 7-10 years to loosen-up and emerge gloriously from this rock-solid structure.

2010 年柏圖斯酒呈現深石榴紅色,一開始有點沉悶,帶有柔和的碎石、鑄鐵鍋和芬芳的泥土氣息,隨後是李子蜜餞、烤藍莓、甘草和黑森林蛋糕,以及鉛筆屑、灌木叢和紫羅蘭的香氣。酒體飽滿,口感優美,單寧細膩成熟,細膩,清新,果香濃鬱,餘韻悠長,非常非常優雅。建議有幸擁有幾瓶該年份葡萄酒的收藏家保持耐心,讓其再經過 7-10 年的陳釀,從這個堅如磐石的結構中釋放出來,綻放光彩。