
Radikon Bianco Pinot Grigio Sivi 2022 (Orange Wine 橘酒)

原始價格:NT$ 2400。目前價格:NT$ 1900。


葡萄品種 : Pinot Grigio

這款 Pinot Grigio 灰皮諾是橙酒的完美嘗試。雖然與傳統的灰比諾完全不同,這款絕對美味的葡萄酒保留了葡萄的一些熟悉的品質,但又增加了更多的品質。典型的核果風味是存在的,但經過 10 天的泡皮,會產生令人驚訝的紅色水果風味和甜味香料,以及淡淡的單寧和令人愉悅的口感。隨著這款酒的陳釀,新鮮感會演變成更多的三級風味,就像紅酒一樣。這是一款極其複雜的葡萄酒,也是每年持續推出的備受追捧的葡萄酒之一。

釀酒:葡萄經過精心挑選、手工採摘並輕輕壓碎。將果汁在橡木桶中浸泡在果皮上 8-10 天。然後將葡萄與本土酵母一起在橡木桶中共同發酵。酒液在 25/35hl 的大橡木桶中陳釀 12 個月,然後在不銹鋼桶中陳釀幾個月。然後裝瓶並陳釀 2 個月,然後再上市。

Pinot Gris from vines averaging 30 years old, grown organically on marl and sandstone soils. Hand-harvested, low yields. Vinification: total de-stemming, two weeks of maceration, gentle pressing, aged on its lees for a year and a half in 3500-liter casks that have seen several wines. Bottled at the estate without fining or filtration, just a micro-dose of sulfur. Sivi means “gray” in Slovenian, in reference to the pink-gray color of the grape skin.