Campogiovanni 莊園於1980年代被Tuscan老牌的 San Felice 酒莊所買下,在獲得資金的注入之下,酒莊品質蒸蒸日上,酒莊有65公頃的土地,其中種植約50公頃的葡萄,海拔300公尺,地中海氣候造就的適合 Brunello 葡萄的生長環境,從1990年開始至今榮獲7次榮登 Wine Spectator’s Top 100 年度百大,證明酒莊的超高性價比。
這款單一葡萄園的旗艦 Riserva 酒款,其葡萄來自僅有2.5公頃的IL Quercione葡萄園,歷經25天的發酵後存放於500公升的法國橡木桶中熟成24個月,再於瓶中存放36個月才出廠,造就了這款既濃郁香醇又優雅細緻的酒款,最難能可貴的是其超高性價比深受消費者的喜愛,更是深受酒評家的讚賞。
The 2016 Brunello di Montalcino Riserva Il Quercione wears a heavier mantle of dark fruit and spice compared to the annata wine (from the 2017 vintage) released at the same time. This wine is visibly darker and more concentrated (with a big 15.5% of alcohol). You get pressed blackberry, earth and sweet baking spice or Spanish cedar. This is a rich, more elaborate expression from Campogiovanni, yet the wine is also accessible and somewhat compact on the close.